Ready to create rapid breakthroughs in your life?

It all starts with my 8-key success system, Pivot Into Power®.

Are you tired of feeling stuck in the same rut, doubting your abilities and craving clarity? Picture yourself confidently striding through life, radiating vitality and owning every moment. Imagine ending your day feeling fulfilled, abundant, and completely at ease with yourself. Whenever you feel an inner gremlin coming on, you can quickly tap it away! This is the transformative power of tapping - and I love it so much that I’ve also written a bestselling book about it!

This isn't just a dream—it's my reality, and has changed the lives of many more. And it can be yours too. Pivot Into Power® has transformed the lives of top creative agencies, Fortune 100 companies, Hollywood leaders, and UN figures as well as everyday people like you and I.

Let's tap into your potential in a fresh new way, rapidly.

A few success stories.

Sue C

My desire was to live without anxiety - I can honestly say I am a different person entirely, loving my life.

Trang D

My desire was to become better known - within the program I was recommended in Vogue and shortlisted as ‘jeweller of the year’ in two awards.

Mel B

My desire was to buy a house and Pivot into Power has helped me do just that.


I wanted to create more recognition and we decided upon an MBE - I was offered one out of the blue within a month.

Louisa H

I wanted to level-up my business. When I joined PIP my desire was 3k a month in my business. I just hit 20k a month.

Pivot into Power: Retreats

After you’ve done the program either with me 121 or in one of the live group cohorts, there’s retreats for us all to get together.

“  Poppy’s expertise in helping people uncover their inner strengths and super powers is incredible.”


I mix modern psychology and neuroscience with ancient energy techniques to achieve fast transformations in mind, body and emotions so that we truly live our best lives.

Setting and manifesting goals is much easier (and speedier) when you use a proven system of tapping, neuroscience and powerful Universal Laws. Without the trap of negativity, limiting beliefs and self-doubt, much more is possible.

You are more powerful than you know. You have more potential than you realise. I have empowered thousands of people to transform with tapping in PIP: I now invite you to be one of those people with my PIP program.

Poppy x